Saturday, June 1, 2013

my first ccse's dinner

dinner da abes...
tp, bkn b'makna tugas i sebagai s/u suda abes...ada lg...kene buat report for my junior plak...hehe
x sabor nk ade junior...nk jgk terasa tua sebentar....
btw...i had a great night last night.....
tq for my beloved course mates...rse dh pecah record for the best organized dinner kot...haha...wujud riak d situ...
a special thanks dedicated 2 my frens khairin n adah tlg pakaikn shawl...sekejap je...!!diorg ni expert kot....!!
nk thanks for any sponsorship pn xdak...sume sndiri punya...huhu...xde org nk sponsorkn pown...

dena bahrin? diana  amir? zainab awatif je...hewhew...

background 2 agak sedey...buat photoshoot dlm blik je...nk posing time dinner,....hmmm....

#bju bleh wt bju raya...yeay!!

Sunday, May 19, 2013

xjoin tp pgi m'sia breakfast day

kisah bermula bila miss ruby and jee ajk temn diorg pgi larian...
tp apakan daya jee n me xley join sbb kitorg xdftr awl2...
sungguh, kami sesal dgn perbuatan itu...

so tugs kami hanyalh amek mis menggunakan kereta beliau lpas mis abis lari....
so , sye dgn nerveousnye mengdrive kete wira mis...
smpai pdg kawad...ok, rmai manusia....
n its hot there!!!
naseb baek ade milo sjuk n wani yg xsuke milo...hehe...tq!!

amek gmbr kt board 'ape name ntah'...

amek gmbr b'sama piala umum...haha 

these moments with our miss will stay on this board n in our hearts.....

b4 balik kami nonton dancing, cheers, milo song...jmpa faizal ismail n azura....


Thursday, May 16, 2013

umur kepala dua.... :)

Allah masih memberiku peluang untuk menjadi hambaNya....

sudah smpai nmpknya umurku mencapai angka kepala dua...hehe...
xleh trima kenyataan lettew....siyes..umur sya tidak bersamaan dgn perangai sye...
on my b' best friend from upm surprised me with cakes!!
hehe...i'm touched...tq dalim!!!
they said, it's bonda's b'day...
still not used being called a bonda...

on 15th older sister treat me for a meal in mines...
n lpas mkn, guess what!!!!
she bought me a teddy bear....!teddy.....
love it!!!

on the bear's lap, there's a book....
its from my parents...they really know hardcover books....hehe
yes...i'm the best!!!because you're the best..!!

on the other side....finally i got a bear on my 20th b'day...
and a motivational n serious book on my 20th b'day too...
moral of the story....hmmm....i'm immature and matured-to-be.....

Monday, May 13, 2013


huhu...assalamualaikum...dh berdebu blog ni....fuh....fuh....
i'm back...since a long time...really...since 5th may on 2011...n now is 14th may on 2013...what a really long time...hehe
n i idk whether there's somebody out there who would have the gut to read my blog...
n now that i read back my whole....what a reaaaalllly immature person...muahaha!!

currently i'm in upm...glad!!hehe...n my course(computer n communication system)....glad too!!hehe
just facing through the days....
assignments, reports, tests, results, lecturers, friends, coursemates, crushesssssss(hehe)....a whole new life for me!!

here nk knlkn several my new friends from upm...huhu  skema!!

k.ima, jee, k.aten, nab, ila n wani!!

k.ime - kakak yg sempoi n always bz...jarang ade kt kolej...hehe
jee - a kakak jgk who don't to be called that...instead i'm her bonda...
k.aten - akak yg comellll sentiasa...n manje...
ila - matrik kulim skali....nmpk xm gmpk!
wani - model-like friend whose going to be my roommate..i'Allah...